If you experience any technical issues with the registration form: please contact our web support.
Registration is in test period. Your registration may not be saved.
Online March 24-27, 2024
In person at Greene Family Camp and online March 28-31, 2024
Not ? Please sign out.
Take note: If you have a web site account, you may sign in for a more convenient registration experience.
Or you can answer our security question and click one of the buttons below to get started.
Registration is now available for online participants only
Please enter your e-mail address.
If you don't have an email address or if there is another registration using yours enter a word or phrase that you can use later to look up your registration.
Your registration lookup code is
Your registration is almost ready to submit. Your next steps are:
This registration was cancelled.
You registration has been submitted.
Your registration is complete. We are looking forward to seeing you.
The balance due for your registration is:
See details here >>.
This amount may be paid at Yearly Meeting by check or in cash.
or . . .
Mail your payment by check or money order to:
Lori Laub
c/o Green Country Friends Meeting
P.O. Box 52415
Tulsa, OK 74152-0415
Sorry, we are not able to accept credit card payments.
Your costs have been paid in full.
Housing assignments will be made based on your preferences. After these assignments are made you will receive an email message with more details.
Your housing assignments are as follows:
Who | Where | When |
For online participation, you will recieve an email with more information about how to start your ZOOM video conference session
Please send a message to the registrar if you have and questions, comments, concerns or notes to add to your registration.
You may cancel your registraion at any time.
If you need to change previous information first click 'Done' or 'Cancel'. Then . . .