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candle-smaller.jpgPlease hold Friends in the Light as in these challenging times.
(contact for reporting Friends to hold in the Light-under construction)

1/28/25 - Pam writes that her eye is mostly improving and a plan is in place to continue the healing. She writes further that:
"I'm not driving since my vision is so unclear. That's okay. No real place to be that Danny can't take me. Thank you all for your kind notes, calls and concern, prayers and chants and wishful thinking. You are all very precious to me and Danny.
In the Light,
Please hold Pam Arnold in the Light. She had cataract surgery on her right eye last week which has affected the retina in that eye. It will require further surgery in the coming week before she can have cataract surgery in her other eye. Please hold Pam and her husband Danny in the Light for the best possible outcome.
Pam doesn't text but welcomes calls and emails. You can find her contact information in the SCYM online directory if you have a website login or you can contact for the information. 
(Lacking a photo of Pam Arnold I am posting a photo of her cousin Patsy who often comes to SCYM Annual Sessions. We'll hope that Pam doesn't have to wear Patsy's glasses after her surgeries are complete. - with a smile and apology Liz Yeats)

Please hold Friends Tina and John Coffin in the Light.  Tina fell Thursday evening and had surgery Friday to address a broken femur bone.  Their daughter traveled to Little Rock Friday evening.  At the present moment, food is not needed, but your pastoral care and prayers are appreciated.  

Please hold Lon Burnam in the LIght as he appeals his civil rights having been violated by being banned from Tarrant County Commissioners Court. Danielle Evans informs us that Lon Burnam, member of Fort Worth Monthly Meeting, has been using his right to speak up in court. According to WFAA (the local ABC news):
Former State Rep. Lon Burnam has also been banned from the commissioner's court. He confronted Judge O'Hare about this July 2nd exchange with Commissioner Alisa Simmons. As she asked a county official to provide copies of the Tarrant County Jail operating procedures, Judge O'Hare interrupted her and started banging his gavel so she could not be heard. 
"The Chair has not recognized your right to speak," said O'Hare. 
After adjournment for recess to enter executive session, Burnam approached O'Hare to express his dislike about him not recognizing Simmons.
"For him to continually step on and over her to me is just unacceptable," said Burnam, "And I went up and told him exactly what I thought."
Deputies escorted Burnam from the administration building. Several days later, Burnam says two deputies served him a trespass warning at his home. It names O'Hare as the reporting person. The trespass warning does not specify a time frame for banning him from the commissioner's court. 

The photo above is of Tarrant County Sherriffs presenting a trespassing warning to Lon at his door July 9. (photo credit to Lon)

Please hold Claudia Wilson in the Light. She has been evacuated from her home in Ruidoso NM because of fires. Fort Worth Friends are in touch and she tells them after a night in an evacuation center she and a neighbor are getting a hotel room. They don’t know the fate of their homes. Please hold them in the Light for the best possible outcome.

Please hold Tina Coffin in the Light. She broke her arm at the elbow earlier this week and is home recovering. 

Please hold Claudia Wilson in the Light. She broke her pelvis while at her home in New Mexico. She is in the hospital and says they will send her to a rehab facility for further healing as she gets better. Fort Worth Meeting Friends are in touch and offering support and Claudia has her former partner and neighbors in NM who are helping on site. She would love to hear from Friends via text (682-472-6770) or email ( Please limit calls to aid in healing. Hold her in the Light for healing and the best outcome. 

A Memorial Meeting for Dale Bordelon will be held Sunday, February 4. Join us for Meeting for Worship from 10-11 if you are able. The Memorial Meeting will be at 11:30 with a potluck afterward.
We don't have Wi-Fi but have a conference call line 214-301-0492 with a speaker so people can hear and be heard.

A memorial meeting for Rodney Mayfield will be held at Live Oak Meetinghouse on December 9, 2023, at 3:00 pm Central Time. Light refreshments will be served. 
To join the meeting on Zoom go to

Paula Keeth writes about Dale:
Dale Bordelon, a member of the Dallas Friends Meeting and active member of SCYM, died early in the week of November 12th of prostate cancer. He had a son Dakota, daughter Savannah, and sister Denise. He had a leading, partly as a result of joining the Friends, to find ways of improving early childhood experiences and environments so children can develop to their highest potential. He was working on this goal to the end. He will be greatly missed. Please hold his family and many friends in the Light. Memorial Meeting information is pending.

Please hold in the Light the following Friends and their families who were brought forward at the Representative Meeting last week.
Hank Lee - Live Oak Friends - died recently
Rodney Mayfield - Live Oak Friends - died recently - see below for information about the memorial meeting
Jan Michael - Stillwater Friends - Sue Garzon, his wife died earlier this year
Dale Bordelon - Dallas Friends - who was going through treatment for advanced prostate cancer and died earlier this week, see below
For all these Friends we will post more information about memorials here and on Facebook when we have the information. If Friends know of others who need to be specially held in the Light, please let us know at pubs(at)

Rodney Mayfield's Houston Celebration Information: Live Oak Friends Meeting
1318 W. 26th St.
Houston, TX
December 9th @ 3:00pm
An online link will be posted here when it is available. 

Our beloved Friend Dale Bordelon has died after treatment for advanced prostate cancer. Please hold Dale and his family in the Light as they grieve and celebrate his life. Dale is a member of Dallas Meeting and a regular attender at SCYM annual sessions. Friends Danielle Evans and Paula Keeth will be sending further news when they have it. 

Update for Dale Bordelon: After two surgical procedures at Baylor, Dale was released home on October 21. On November 7, he is undergoing a further test to determine his treatment plan. Please continue to hold Dale Bordelon, his family, and f(F)riends, in the Light.

Please hold Dale Bordelon, his family, and f(F)riends, in the Light. Dale was transferred to Baylor University Medical Center in Dallas following a good ten-day hospitalization at Texoma Medical Center in Denison on Thursday evening 5th October. He is struggling with complications stemming from previous diagnoses. Best treatment plans are in the works.

Betty Richardson, of Live Oak Friends Meeting (Houston), died April 18, 2023 after a long struggle upper respiratory issues made worse by COVID. Please hold Mitch and the whole family in the Light as they grieve their loss and celebrate her life. 
The memorial service will be on May 20, 2023 at 7:30 PM at Live Oak Friends Meeting: 
1318 West 26 Street,
Houston, TX 77008.
The time will coincide with sunset and a skyspace viewing. 
To join Online please go to Betty Richardson Memorial Link

Betty Richardson, of Live Oak Friends Meeting (Houston), died April 18, 2023 after a long struggle upper respiratory issues made worse by COVID. Please hold Mitch and the whole family in the Light as they grieve their loss and celebrate her life. 

Friends meeting at the first business session of 2023 Annual Sessions requested we hold the following Friends in the Light:
Betty Richardson, (LOFM) who has been dealing with COVID since January 19.
Sally Bishop Merrill (RGVM) died in late March. hold her family, especially her son Noah Merrill
Sue Garzon, (SMM), who is dealing with cancer
Margaret Britain (Fayetteville Monthly Meeting) whose mother, Dolores Mead, is at the end of her life
Jean Sizemore, (LRMM),
Nelly Prescott 
Denise Wilkinson, (FMSA)
The caregivers of these Friends

Please hold Betty Richardson in the Light! She has been in the ICU battling a lung infection for weeks now. You can let Betty and Mitch know you are holding them in the Light for the best possible outcome on the SCYM Facebook Page.

Sally Merrill, former attender at Rio Grande Valley Worship Group, died unexpectedly March 22, 2023 just after moving to a retirement community in Ohio. Please hold Volker Imschweiler, her companion for many years, her son Noah Merrill Baker, Yearly Meeting Secretary of New England Yearly Meeting, his brother, and her whole family in the Light as they grieve her loss and celebrate her life. Volker regularly attends Friends Meeting of Austin via Zoom. 

Celebration of Life for Rex Friend
Friday, January 20 @ 10am
First United Methodist Church of Edmond
305 E Hurd St, Edmond, OK 73034
Dress code is cowboy formal, jeans are welcome!
Video stream will be available for virtual attendance. Go to the FUMC YouTube page around 9:55am to join. 
An obituary for Rex Friend can be found at


News about a memorial for Rex Friend from Friend Don Satterthwaite:
Dear F/friends,
Many of you may be shocked if you have not previously heard about Rex’s passing. We were stunned by the news that Rex passed away suddenly due to a heart attack. Below is the information concerning his memorial service. Rex was a long long-time Quaker, Peace Activist and lawyer in Oklahoma City.
Love & Peace,
Don Satterthwaite

Rex Friend died yesterday morning of an apparent heart attack. Please hold him and his family and friends in the Light. Rex brought so much to South Central Yearly Meeting over the years, especially in his work for justice and peace.

To date there is no news of a memorial. An announcement will be posted here and on the SCYM FaceBook page when we have news. 

We recently heard that Barbara Cowan, a member of Live Oak Meeting in Houston, died Sunday, November 27, 2022. A Memorial Meeting for Worship will be held in the meetinghouse on Friday, 12/16 from 2-4 pm with Chris Drexler as clerk. The family will provide catered refreshments beforehand. An online option is available here.
Meanwhile, here is a lovely vignette about Barbara: []

Good News from Tom Ivash:
Dear Friends,
First off I want to thank everyone that held me in the Light. I'm finally out of the hospital and rehab center. I'm staying with one of my sisters while doing home patient rehab. Slow progress but progress non the less.
A Cliff's note version of what happened to me. First I went into the hospital for bloated prostate. There it was discovered that I had a severe case of UTI. During the treatment for this, the Cardiologist noticed my heart had gotten weaker. It was recommended to install a heart pump.
During this surgery, I had complications starting with heart failure leading to Kidney failure. They sedated me for 3 weeks. As the Doctors were treating these problems, I got pneumonia. Great!!! With some Blessings I survived all of these complications.
Most Sincerely,
Thomas Ivash

Danielle Evans writes: Gerald stepped into the Light this morning at 03:05am - his body weary - at peace now.
Gerald Jimmy Jr. is a member of Fort Worth Monthly Meeting and former clerk of SCYM. He is at peace after a long illness.  His gentle spirit will live on in the memories of many SCYM Friends.
Our corporate holding in the Presence is strong and important to us all as we continue to live lives of hope, faith, and love in these challenging times. ?(Please send news about Friends to Liz Yeats, Web Content Manager at for posting on this website.)

Please hold John and Gail Fletcher and their family in the Light:
This week the Fletchers lost their youngest granddaughter, Lilly. She had a fatal accident while on a trail bike ride with her father in New Hampshire. The Fletchers are in Rhode Island now with family and do not plan to return to Oklahoma for several weeks. Friends please hold their daughter Becky, her husband Mike, and their daughter Ellen in the Light.

If Friends want to send notes their address in RI is:
33A Spring St
Wakefield, RI 02879-2458

Grim news about Friend Christopher Dye from Will King:

Dearest Friends,

I received an email and a text today from Paula Keeth of the Dallas Friends Meeting. After Marianne Lockard was unable to continue her prison ministry, Paula became our Friend Christopher Dye's spiritual advisor and counselor. Christopher is a member of the Caddo Area Friends Meeting (Texarkana, TX).

Paula writes that Friend Christopher is back in the ICU at the University of Texas Medical Branch - Galveston, which has an entire hospital for use by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice (corrections/prisons). She also writes that Christopher is not breathing well, but they are not going to put him back on the ventilator. It appears that Friend Christopher has advanced stage brain cancer with metastases (spread) "everywhere."

I am asking Friends to hold in the Light Christopher and those that know and love him. May God and Spirit comfort Christopher as he makes what seems to be his final journey, perhaps answering the call to come Home. I know Marianne Lockard will be glad to see her Friend and he to see her when they meet again.

Peace, Light, and Friendship,

The news about Gerald JImmy Jr continues to be good: Gerald has had visits from his two dogs, Silk and Memo, in the last few days. He contimues to heal with the help of many including these two canine family members.

More good news about two Friends, Gerald Jimmy Jr. and Christopher Dye:

About Gerald, Danielle Evans writtes: The 4th brought second dose of the Pfizer vaccine so we are now COMPLETE - have been trying for this since December! Finally resolved. Wound vacs had been applied to feet for a bit, now removed. Took a trip out to visit podiatry for post surgical follow up - though it will take some time, the pressure wounds are healing well.
About Christopher, Will King writes: Paula Keeth texted me this morning [8/6] to let me know that Christopher Dye has been moved out of the intensive care unity in Galveston to a regular room. Not much more info than that, but will continue to update.

Good news about two Friends, Gerald Jimmy Jr. and Christopher Dye:

About Gerald, Danielle Evans writtes: Without notice, after dialyzing whisked back to skilled nursing! The IV antibiotics have done great work - we are clear minded, upbeat, active, informative and feeling much better. Wondrous.
About Christopher, Will King writes: I just spoke with Paula Keeth from the Dallas Friends Meeting about our Friend Christopher Dye. Paula received news today that Friend Christopher has improved, and "is off the critical list." Not much more information than that.

Please continue to hold these two Friends in the Light.

Please hold Friend Christopher Dye in the Light. Will King writes:
Dear Friends,
I received word today that a Friend in our Yearly Meeting, Christopher Dye, is gravely ill.

Some of you might know of him as an incarcerated Friend living in the Texas Department of Criminal Justice system. He is a member of the Caddo Area Friends Meeting, and several people in our Yearly Meeting correspond with him to provide spiritual and emotional support.
Friend Christopher has been experiencing progressively worsening numbness in his hands and feet that began sometime this spring. I was able to talk to Paula Keeth today, who is a member of the Dallas Friends Meeting and is Friend Christopher s spiritual advisor. Christopher has been transferred to the prison hospital unit in Galveston, TX, and was on a ventilator, but he is off the ventilator now. He remains in a semi-conscious state. I was told that his sister was able to visit him and he could hear her and squeeze her hand, but not much more than that, I m afraid. It is hard for Friends who communicate with Christopher to get any news about his condition due to patient confidentiality measures, and I do not believe that Friends are in regular contact with his family. I am asking Friends to hold Christopher Dye in the Light during his illness.
Peace to you all,
Will King

It seems just yesterday that Friends in TX were suffering from the freeze and not much further back when we began our long quarintine for COVID. Here is a short update about Friends and their families still needing to be held in the Light.

Gerald Jimmy Jr continues to recover and build strength in a care facility in the Dallas area. Danielle uses Caring Bridge to communicate with Friends and others about his recovery which is going well now. She reports today:
Promise holds such good care that stress over uncovered hours becomes nonexistent. Green leafy trees sooth mind and body.
After nearly two months without a Guardian, Saturday the 15th brought Vicki & Paul - blown in like a breeze from their coastal journeys. For the first time since November 2020 two could visit together. With a fresh goodness, they left extra protein in the belly and a sunny smile in their wake.
Another week passed quickly, smoothly - now punctuated with the decision made by the entire team that we are ready for rehab. The rain brings renewal
Please continue to hold Gerald, Danielle and their families in the Light for continued steady improvement.

There were 9 beautiful memorial minutes read at 2021 SCYM sessions. They will be attached to the minutes which will be ready very soon. The photo above came as part of the Live Oak Monthly Meeting's memorial minute for Roger Dale Garretson (Mar24, 1946 June 23, 2020).

We got this message from Friends General Conference about the weather disaster in the SCYM area:
"Know lots of Friends have... SCYM on their minds."
In Faith and Friendship,
Barry Crossno, General Secretary, Friends General Conference
Please let the clerks of SCYM know if there are any needs we can help with in your meeting or your family by emailing

From Danielle yesterday: "Today we made sure music continues to be a part of our healing - new headphones! Unable to keep hand from fork, delicious Spaghetti Marinara was devoured (Gerald's favorite meal . . . ). Orange Sherbet provided the perfect finish. Eating the grub."1/23/2021
Please hold Deb Skok from Little Rock Meeting in the Light as she continues to suffer from COVID.

Friends from San Antonio Monthly Meeting report that Janet and Ken Southwood both have COVID.

Many know them from SCYM Sessions. They are now living in Minnesota near family. Please hold them in the Light.

Gerald Jimmy Jr., clerk of South Central Yearly Meeting and Danielle Evans, his partner, are together again after both had COVID. (see photo above) On 12/26 Danielle texted: Love & Light from both of us TOGETHER ??????. Please continue to hold them in the Light as Gerald continues to have surgery and Danielle goes back to working as an emergency room nurse.

12/3/2020Gerald Jimmy Jr., clerk of South Central Yearly Meeting and member of Fort Worth Meeting, has tested positive for COVID while in the hospital undergoing a series of surgeries. Please hold him, and his partner Dannielle Evans, in the Light as they meet this further challenge in their lives.

About Friend Marianne Lockard
From Tina Coffin, Little Rock Meeting:
"I received a call from Carol [daughter of Marianne Lockard] this morning that Marianne died. She had been unresponsive and in a coma for several days. It was, in that respect, a peaceful death."

Marianne was indeed treasured Friend, a beloved member of SCYM, who served as yearly meeting clerk, as a traveling minister among us, and a bearer of that t

rue light to so many of us. May we carry forward her love and generous spirit. Plans for a memorial meeting are underway and will be announced here.

Sympathy cards to Carol Worley, Marianne's daughter, and family can be sent to:
Carol Worley
1300 W. 3rd Street,
Little Rock, AR 72201

SCYM Clerk Gerald Jimmy, Jr. is in the ICU recovering from his 5th and hopefully last surgery. Danielle Evans, his partner, texted last evening that he was out off the respirator and out of ICU. Things are going well and look good for the slow recovery ahead. Please hold him in the Light as he travels this hard road. More information will be posted as we know it from Danielle Evans, who also needs to be held in the Light as she accompanies Gerald on this journey.

SCYM Clerk Gerald Jimmy, Jr. is in the ICU undergoing multiple surgeries. So far the progress is positive. He is being cared for by a great team. Please hold him in the Light as he travels this hard road. More information will be posted as we know it from Danielle Evans, who also needs to be held in the Light as she accompanies Gerald on this journey.


Wainright Copass, member of Little Rock Friends Meeting, died October 25, 2020.He was diagnosed with covid-19 on October 18, and moved from Waters of Cumberland , the nursing home in Little Rock where he resided, to a facility in Hot Springs, AR where he could be isolated.He died a week later. Wainright was 78 years old.
Wainright had no family. His friends at the Little Rick Meeting were his family. When asked by a visiting Friend once to describe Little Rock Meeting with one word, he answered Love . He was also a member of Christ Episcopal Church in Little Rock. A Friends memorial service will be held at a later date.

SCYM Clerk Gerald Jimmy, Jr. is home and doing better all the time.

SCYM Clerk Gerald Jimmy, Jr. was hospitalized yesterday in a diabetic state called DKA, a condition that effects the functioning of the body. After spending the night in ICU his condition is much improved. Please hold Gerald and his partner, Danielle Evans, in the Light for a full recovery.

Stillwater Monthly Meeting met in a called meeting for worship for business this morning via Zoom in concern for our members, Mike Palmer and Sue McAlister, who recently moved to Sue's childhood home along the Blue River in Oregon. The Holiday Farm wildfire destroyed two homes belonging to her family for generations, her deceased father's art studio and his paintings, a barn and their personal belongings (other than their musical instruments which were stored in their house that their daughter lives in, in Eugene). Mike, Sue, their daughter Emily and Sue's 90-year-old great-aunt by friendship were able to escape in the night as embers flew in the air around them. Their homes were engulfed by fire within hours.

Mike and Sue have asked for continued prayers for them. They feel held in our prayers.

In addition, Mike and Sue are deeply "touched by the generosity of the meeting" and are grateful for Friends who wish to donate funds for their recovery. They report that they are financially secure right now. They ask Friends who wish to donate funds for their relief to donate to the broader relief fund, which will help those who have greater financial needs than they. They encourage Friends to contribute generously to the McKenzie River Trust, and /or AFSC Oregon. AFSC Oregon has rapidly mobilized to help the undocumented immigrant community displaced by other fires in the state. The undocumented immigrant community is largely not served by agencies and other organizations. Mike and Sue wrote that "helping our community will be a good way to help us."

Listen as they tell their story in a 9/13/2020 NPR interview at:

If Friends wish to donate to these relief efforts, please send your donations by October 8 by check to Stillwater Monthly Meeting, with "Oregon Wildfire Relief" noted in the memo. Mail the checks to our meeting treasurer, Keith Garbutt, 1615 S Westridge St., Stillwater OK 74074. At that time, the meeting will distribute the funds as Mike and Sue direct us.


Please hold in the Light Mike Palmer and Sue McAlister as they continue to address the challenges of losing their home and almost all of their belongings to fires in Oregon.


Jan Michael of Stillwater Meeting, writes;

Mike Palmer and Sue McAlister members of Stillwater Meeting retired and moved this summer to Oregon where Sue grew up and where their daughter now lives.Some will have met them at yearly meeting. Just this past week they had to evacuate to Portland with their animals in the face of advancing wildfires, but their house, barn and aunt's house next door have burned completely.

Update from Tina Coffin about Marianne Lockard:

I received the following text from Carol, Marianne's daughter:

"I was finally able to get mom in Avenir. I dropped her off yesterday at 10 and then went back to her house and frantically packed her stuff and coordinates moving her furniture over there. W had it there by 4. I talked with her yesterday morning again about her place. I told her my hope is they will be able to make her happy again.They have a geriatric doc and psychiatrist on staff who can help get her the meds she needs to help with her confusion and inability to sleep. She was happy about that. Dropping her off was fine. Thay texted me a couple of times and said she was doing well. She was painting once, watching tv once and eating dinner. She apparently went in and started to introduce herself to folks and being social. They texted this morning and said she is doing well still."

Carol included a photo of Marianne working on an art project. She also gave an address in case you want to send a card:
Marianne Lockard
c/o Avenir Memory care of Little Rock
8401 Ranch Blvd
Little Rock, AR 72223
Carol wrote previously that words confuse her mom. She suggests to use few words in your card, but artwork she enjoys.

This is a great relief for Carol. And I believe Marianne will be happier with people around her. She always was a social person.

Update from Tina Coffin about Marianne Lockard:

I just talked to Marianne and Carol. At first Marianne was confused telling me where she was. She said she was at home, and then she said she was in the hospital. She is at home though. She was given an heavy sedative and Carol told her not to get out of bed when there was no one around to help her. David is back in Hope. Maybe being in bed made her think she was in the hospital. Carol is now out of quarantine, so she can go over more easily during the time the caretaker is not with her, from 2 to 4:30 in the afternoon. Marianne is still sore from the fall, and she said she can only walk a few steps.

Marianne will now be tested again for covid-19 and as soon as the result is in, she will be moved into the Alzheimer unit at the Shepard Center. Family will be able to visit with her in the lobby, so that is good. I told Marianne that we are all holding her in the Light and she said "Oh yes, please, do, as many people as possible". Carol said her Quaker community is her mainstay. When she was panicking after her fall laying on the floor and on the phone with Carol, Carol told her to focus on all her Quaker Friends. and that calmed her down. Thank goodness Carol has recovered.

Rather than sending cards to Marianne Lockard, c/o Carol Worley, 1300 W. 3rd Street, Little Rock, AR 72201, consider sending photos of yourself so Marianne can have all our faces around her.

Please hold Marianne Lockard and her family in the Light. She and her daughter, Carol, have been diagnosed with COVID19. Carol is reported to be recovering and Marianne is asymtomatic, was being cared for in her home but today had a fall so is off to the hospital for some tests. Sadly, Marianne is very confused by all that is happening around her. Please do not phone at this time. It has ben suggested we send pictures of ourselves or children's art to her. Any mail to Marianne should be addressed to; Marianne Lockard, c/o Carol Worley, 1300 W. 3rd Street, Little Rock, AR 72201.

Please hold the families and all of the Live Oak Monthly Meeting (Houston) community in the Light. These members who died recently will be sorely missed.
Robert D. Stecker, Jr. (Dr. Bob) on June 26, 2020 age 91
Darrell Austin Hutto, died the week of July 1, 2020 (age 55)
Mary Beth Davidson Smith on died July 13, 2020


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