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Here are links to the Keynote video and text. Thanks to Minga Claggett-Borne for her sharing her experience to assist SCYM Friends in discerning how live in the Light in these times challenging times.

Living in the Light Video
Living in The Light Keynote Text

The worship sharing after the talk was deep and Spirit filled. Minga asked us to address the querie, "What part of her sharing spoke to you?" Many spoke of the new reality around us as bring both sadness and joy. Some suggested we were learning a new way of being with some challenges but some positive changes in themselves, their communities and the world. There was a spoken

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June 17, 2020 • 12:00AM

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March 30, 2020 • 12:00AM


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yearning for ways to help those who are not as fortunate among us and beyond us in communities that are less fortunate.
It became obvious that many of us have been involved in helping others before this crisis and looking for ways to continue that work. Some pondered finding ways they have not yet tried. As Friends we have practices to help discern how to live in the Light. We support those modeling ways to make the world a better for us all. We seek to make love the first motion, to paraphraze John Woolman, and know that the Spirit is always available to us.
We are sorry we were unable to record these responses but we felt Friends would have had to have given permission, a need we didn't anticipate in time. Maybe you and those in your meeting might like to view the video or read the text together and use worship sharing to address the querie offered here.
While we enjoyed our virtual time together, we all agreed that we look forward to gathering at Greene Family Camp September 24-27, 2020 if possible. If that is not possible we hope meet for 2021 SCYM Annual Sessions on Easter weekend, April 1-4, 2021.
Stay home for now, stay healthy, and continue to check this website and your email for SCYM messages.